Our Work

We are one. We stand together.” - The Malakims

We are channels for the Angelic Realms and as a spiritual couple, walking a spiritual path, we welcome people from all walks of life to journey with us.

Our core work is based on understanding energy vibration and the soul's ability to communicate with us even when not in a physical body. We also practice our daily teachings through the principles shared with us by The Malakims, while in trance states. These principles were channeled between 2022 and 2023. Even though they are new universal teachings, they are like a revival of ancient spiritual ways of living.

The aim of Where Angels Whisper is to hold light and healing for those that gravitate our way, while providing a resource space for understanding the astral world, and the human energy field.

We believe by working in partnership with the Angels & Archangels, you can move through Ascension towards living a karma free life. Our online classes are available to access 24 hours a day, so no matter where you are in the world, you can immerse yourself in becoming the Earth Angel you were born to be.

We have a library of content recorded allowing our members to enjoy this wisdom shared in Celestial Circle. 

Supporting others through their challenges gives us a focus point here at Where Angels Whisper. Through our private sessions we hold space for our clients to experience deep personal transformation.