Our History

Before you can touch the Spirit you must find it within yourself.” - Gordon Higginson

Gordan Higginson

Dawn's connection to angels began in childhood, and in 2009, she founded Where Angels Whisper as an online community to share her passion. By 2011, it had blossomed into a registered shop offering readings, angel gifts, and crystals.

That same year, Dawn embarked on a life-changing experience at the Arthur Findley College, known as the "Hogwarts for Mediums." While attending a mediumship demonstration, she had an extraordinary encounter with the spirit of Gordon Higginson, a world-renowned medium who had passed away in 1993. Despite never meeting him in life, Gordon became Dawn's spirit world mentor, guiding her through trance states for years to come. 

Interestingly, Dawn discovered that Gordon's spirit guide was named Light, mirroring her own name. Believing in reincarnation, Where Angels Whisper suggests a possible past-life connection between them. Recordings of Gordon's spiritual communications are available in the Celestial Circle content library. Dawn's unique training, solely received from the spirit world, reflects traditional mediumship methods. You can join Celestial Circle here.

After a hiatus from 2012 to 2020, Where Angels Whisper reopened, guided by Gordon's spirit. During this time, Dawn met Jason online under remarkable circumstances. Their shared passion for trance mediumship and an undeniable sense of past-life connection sparked a deep bond. Both, interestingly, had attended the Arthur Findley College and harbored visions of future partnerships in mediumship.

Today, residing in a charming village in Southern Ireland close to the Derry border, Dawn and Jason co-host special evenings for those seeking messages from loved ones in spirit, channeling the energy of "The Malakims." 

Their journey is a testament to the power of spiritual connection and the enduring presence of loved ones, even beyond life.