Feathers From Above Can Hold Messages Of Love

The picture below has 5 feathers for you to choose from.

Close your eyes and ask to be guided to one only.

When you reopen your eyes, choose the one that you feel drawn to.

The Answers Are Revealed Below. 

Five Feathers With Five Channeled Messages

The Speckled Feather

Your Message From Your Angels

This feather represents the deep talents that lie within you. Your talents are the core of who you are and are calling on your to express them with full measure. If you have been drawn to pursue an old or even a new skill, this feather guides you to follow your heart.

When you are expressing from your soul space, your in full alignment with your divine self. Beloved one look within to find your happiness and contement, then share it generously with others.

The Reflection Feather

Your Message From Your Angels

You are guided with this feather to be mindful of your thoughts and to reflect on life's recent events. Sometimes its easy to hide away from what you truly feel and desire, as those things you desire may seem so far out of reach.

Allow your inner self to muse on the most recent past things you have experienced. What have you learned? Who have you become? Are you happy with what you have accomplished? Or do you need to take more time to ourself. This feather senses you might be split in two about something and guides you to weigh up your choices carefully.

The Aiming Higher Feather

Your Message From Your Angels

No matter who you are or what you have done, this feather reminds you of the ultimate vibration of love. A love you are always assured of by the heavenly realms.

You are maybe been to hard on yourself and others and this feather guides you to think more positively on every level. Its time to aim those thoughts higher so that you can experience more happiness in your life. Focus on what you have rather than what you don't have.

The Amethyst Feather

Your Message From Your Angels

You are always eternally protected by us your Angels. Beloved one it is time to relax, the worst is behind you. Take time to nurture yourself, deep cleanse your energy field with sage, crystals and an epsom salt bath. 

Your intuition is very strong right now, trust in the images you receive in your mind and allow your psychic senses to open gracefully and naturally. Your on the verge of a break through, something powerful is about to happen.

The Holding Space Feather

Your Message From Your Angels

You are a natural leader and wise one. You have lived many life times in this role of peace keeper and way maker. Your divine soul contract has arranged every experience your moving through. This feather reminds you to trust the path your on is perfect for you.

Do not fight it or resist it. You are been cared for at source level and by many divine beings and helpers. Your a magical creator and manifester. Set your mind and heart on what you want and stay true to your vision. The light will lead you forward. You may need to wait a little for it all to come together, so hold space by doing other things of value and interest, while you wait. 

Personal Feather Readings With Dawn

Personal Feather Readings Are Delivered In Video Format.

They are up to 30 minutes in length and focus on the dominant feathers that are drawn  for you.

You will see your feathers and hear the messages brought forward from your Angels. 

They can cover a wide variety aspects of your life, including love, career, family, purpose and more.