The Malakims

Have you ever wondered if loved ones who have passed on can continue to guide us? We believe they can! Many spirits choose to become Spirit Guides, offering support and wisdom from the other side.We are fortunate to work with a collective of such guides called The Malakims. This name, channeled to Dawn, translates to "Angels" in Hebrew. Over the past collective 30 years, these benevolent spirits have played a remarkable role in our journey and have prepared us for the role of sharing their love for humanity even from beyond.

Gordan Higginson - SNU Medium

Florence Cook - Trance & Phsyical Medium

Geraldine Cummins - Automatic Writer & Author

Doris Stokes - British Clairaudient Medium

Colin Fry - Professional Medium

Elwin - Dawn's main communicator 

William Butler Yeats - Irish Poet & Playwright

Allan Kardec - French Teacher & Founder of Spiritism

Listen To The Malakims In Our Trance Recordings