Sunday 1st of May

The Angel that is guiding you this week is the Archangel Haniel the angel of Joy and upliftment. If your mood has been a bit low or flat this past wee while, Haniel comes in to your life to give you a boost of joy. Security and contentment are the key vibrations this week and you may feel your very foundations and core essence being challenged by things or situations that leave you feeling just a little bit exasperated. 

It's important to focus on the positives and not allow the mundane to consume you. Haniel lights a spark in your root chakra this week, and it may challenge you to step out of your comfort zone. Long standing commitments may need your attention and your sense of self, even though pulled in several directions, is strong.

Let your intuition take the lead and watch out for the strong vibrations of the moon, as emotions and tension maybe high. You could be at a fork in the road and various choices presented to you. Follow the path that leads you towards happiness. Your emotions will balance out later in the week, as you prepare for the change you know needs to occur.

Practice meditation or yoga, or even creative writing to help infuse the lighter tones into your space this week. Sage yourself, sage your home, sage your car, sage everything. Your clairsentience is super enhanced this week and so a good soul cleanse maybe in order.


In Light & Love  


(Elwin, Florence and the Malakim's)

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