Sunday 14th of August

The Archangel that is guiding you this week is the magestic Jophiel. The angel of joy and happiness. After the ups and downs of last week, things even out more this week and there is a deep sense of satisfaction in your spirit. Ideally you will be feeling more rested, having acted on your Angels advice. You may still need more rest this week and as you ease your way into this month, things begin to pick up.

Where life may have felt stagnant, your now experiencing surges of energy, and conversations with others, could leave you feeling renewed and most of all, connected. Use your knowledge, experience and whit this week to help soften life for you. The past has nothing to offer you at this time, so keep moving forwards, especially if someone is trying to bring you down memory lane and its really not for you.

You are always protected by Angels, and this week you could very well be receiving extra signs, such as those beautiful feathers your Angels love to give to you, just when you need them the most. 

The element of water is strong this week, you may need to drink more, be close to water or simply listen to some nice calming water music over on youtube. Ideally you will also be looking to clear your crsytals in sacred water. Its time to recharge your energy, or perhaps take a dip in the sea. What ever works for you, works for your Angels.


In Light & Love  

Dawn Darling  

Owner & Founder of  

Where Angels Whisper

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