Sunday 07th of August

The Archangel that is guiding you this week is Zariel. He reminds you that there is a time for rest and a time for work.

Have you been over doing things?

Is it time to create better harmony and balance in your life?

Are you struggling to keep your head above water?

Your guided to take time to unwind, and time to find a deeper flow in any areas of your life that is not in alignment with tranquility.

Its a week where de-stressing is vital to the later part of August. Life is about give and take, and if you have been finding your giving more than your receiving, its time to take a massive breather. There is nothing worth the pressure you may have found yourself under. Give time to the basic things that matter and learn to spread your daily living more easily and broadly. 

You may find asking others to help out could help you find more time in your life. Trying to do everything yourself, does not always work. If your feeling isolated talk to a close friend, or person you know will listen to you with ease. The most important thing this week is to inject life with some fun. Allow your playful side free rein to explore and step away from anything that's draining you right now. You can come back to it again as you steady yourself more. 

Trust your feelings and listen deeply to your needs. You deserve this time to rise above what ever has been weighing you down.

In Light & Love 

Dawn Darling 

Owner & Founder of 

Where Angels Whisper

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