Sunday 04th of September

This week the magestic Archangel Sammael guides us to act with grace in all situations. You may have been feeling as if what your saying has not be heard. Express your point of view and trust the heavenly realms have heard you. Its time to accept yourself for who you are and be tolerant of those who just don't understand. You will need a lot of patience when dealing with others this week. 

You could very well be experiencing a sense of freedom this week for the first time in a long time. Your energy is feeling lighter and full of uplifting sun energy. Its important to keep counting your blessings and do not allow negative thinking to over run your happy vibes. Stay in the vibration of trust and know that your financial, emotional and spiritual needs are being met. You could be coming out of a time where you felt very tugged in different directions, this week and as we move more into the winter period, you will find your more balanced and life feels more settled.

We are now in Libra period and this is a time where you should be mindful of contracts, legal matters and doing things the right way. You could find yourself out of your depth in some situations, so ensure your gathering all the knowledge you need to ensure your head is clear and thinking practically. It may also be time to put up boundaries with someone. Lots of deep breaths will help this week and remember to stay in your power and the sense of freedom you should be experiencing. Spend time with friends and enjoy your more uplifted mood.

Check out this months Angel Oracle video message for further insights from me.

In Light & Love   

Dawn Darling   

Owner & Founder of   

Where Angels Whisper

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