The Soulful Connections of Kindred Spirits.

When we are in the womb, it is believed our soul decides everything that will happen in our lives. Our life is already pre-planned by the time we are born. This is called our ‘Soul Contract’. Not only do Soul Contracts dictate the actions occurring in our lives, but also the people we meet in them. Everyone we meet in life we meet for a reason, some bigger than others. Soul Contracts are also the contracts between two or more people that form as soon as you meet. Soul Contracts teach us life lessons and move our lives to where we need to be. 


A Soulmate Contract is formed between two souls best suited to supporting each other’s development. When you first meet a soulmate, they can feel very familiar as if you’ve met them before which you have in previous lives where karmic issues have not been resolved. This sense of familiarity is the ‘hook’ that keeps you together long beyond when it’s become completely toxic, it’s the feeling of ‘something between us is not resolved. It’s the feeling that lasts when you have finally called it a day and gone your separate ways but something keeps them locked in your thoughts A soulmate’s purpose is to help the other learn and grow. Soulmates aren’t always the person you love the most and they are not always intended to be a romantic partner. They can be the person who hurt you the most, who’s left you feeling drained and shaken to the core and has changed you forever. A soulmate teaches you more about yourself than you ever could, in a positive or negative way. 

In this love-hate relationship. Your duty to each other is to help your souls grow and do ‘’soul work’’. A soulmate helps introduce you to a new version of yourself, breaking down the walls and barriers to reveal another layer of yourself. A soulmate doesn’t always mean a mate for life, you aren’t always meant to end up with your soulmate in the end. These relationships are extremely passionate and just as equally painful. Soulmates are there to teach us lessons that would be difficult to learn alone, once the lesson is learned the contract is fulfilled and ended. Learning to recognize this in a learning relationship will help you progress on your individual paths. 


Twin flames are essentially two halves of one soul, each half completes the other which is the sole purpose of this type of contract. When meeting a twin flame, there is an instant attraction often known as ‘’love at first sight’’. Twin flames are like our mirrors, they reflect back to us all the strengths and weaknesses that we have. 

At the start of the relationship, it can seem intense and overwhelming, this can carry on for many years. Once both egos surrender to their purging and purification is when empathy and unconditional love is achieved. Twin flames reflect the parts of ourselves we have cast aside, the light to our darkness, the sun to our moon, our other half. They help us discover ourselves on a deeper level and help us fulfill our potential in all areas of our lives. 

Twin flames often have the tendency to meet each other at the wrong time, meaning they could be already in existent relationships or living in completely different continents. However, the underlying level of magnetism pulls them together if only for great conversations and to experience that coming home feeling. They can give security to each other’s lives and reason for existence. Whatever choices they make no matter how hard will always be with the best interest of the other in mind. 

They have an overwhelming protective feeling towards each other like brothers and sisters. Should they find themselves free to pursue a friendship or relationship it's often with a common purpose in mind such as humanitarian work, spiritual work, or anything that is highly creative? They bring out the best in each other by challenging what needs to change in each other. 


Dawn Darling is a gifted Spiritual Wellbeing Adviser, who is also a Life Coach, and Teacher. Her role is to support your empowerment and help you reach your full potential. Her private sessions reveal your soul's true calling and how you can improve your journey by listening to the Whispers of Angels. 

Specializing in Love Career | Purpose | Mediumship | Teaching                                Connect with Dawn

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