Preparing For A Mediumship Sitting

There are many reasons why people wish to talk to loved ones in the spirit world. Preparing for your sitting is not complicated and can enhance the connection, making it easier for spirit to connect and for your chosen medium to relay their love to you more easily. Some people do turn up anxious, stressed, and unsure.

Here are my top tips to help you prepare for your upcoming sitting.  

Relax....the more at ease you are, trust me the more at ease your medium will be and even your loved ones. If you show up worried anxious or simply had a hectic day and life has bombarded you, it will affect your mediums abilities. Be open to telling your medium your feeling stressed for whatever reason. Usually, your medium should have some relaxation technique to help you settle.  It will be challenging to focus on the messages relayed to you if your minds all over the place. Sometimes it can help to play some nice relaxing music on your way there and avoid stressful conversations on the phone. Devote your time to your time with your medium. Including your journey there. Your building your energy as you arrive which will improve the quality of your connection. If it's a phone or Skype reading, put the time in before to prepare yourself.  

Ensure All Technology Is Working....if your reading is by phone or perhaps by Skype, make sure your equipment is all working. There is nothing more challenging than trying to deal with human distractions at the beginning of a sitting.  

Show Up On Time...make sure you know where you're going. Map your route. Know how long it will take you and add extra time for stops or potential traffic delays. Your medium should be relaxed going into your sitting and disorganization is not every mediums cup of tea. Bear in mind your delays also affect their schedule and it could cut short your time for your sitting. 

Show Up Sober...never drink or use drugs in the 48 hours prior to a sitting. Preferably more. It slows down the vibration of the messages and you can be certain it will affect any connection made.  Most ethical Mediums won't read for you if you have a hangover or seem intoxicated. By opening up the energy they could attract lower energies which tend to cling and may make you and them feel unbalanced. 

Let Go Of Expectations....your medium is human, ethical mediums will never claim to be 100% accurate. Its impossible. Placing pressure on a medium and been overly demanding can tarnish the connection. Spirits communicate on the energy of love. Treat your medium as you would treat your loved one. With love and respect and I have no doubt spirit will do their absolute best to get through with clear evidence. 

Be Open-Minded.....It's normal to have a healthy level of skepticism. But don't arrive with an attitude of trying to test your Medium. It usually never goes well. Be open to what spirit wants to tell you. Rather than you telling them what you want to hear. Spirits have free will and if you couldn't make them talk in real life, its unlikely they will change that in spirit. Its important to validate your medium with the messages they give, especially the stuff there is no way they could know. This is proof of life after death. Don't dismiss your messages if perhaps the medium got a couple of misses. Look to the value in the little things and the messages your medium was 100% about.  

Mixed Messages....sometimes mediums don't always interpret what they are given 100%. Be patient with your medium but don't make things fit either. Bear in mind we can't possibly know everything about the person we are connecting to in spirit. If a message is really not making sense, simply say so. Somewhere somehow the message is probably valid but it may simply not apply to you.  

Don't Feed The Medium...I have done a lot of readings over the years some really amazing ones and some not so hot. I like to ensure I know very little about the person coming to me and rarely would I read for anyone I know now, as I feel I cannot be neutral. It's important we are working with a blank canvas to ensure we can provide the best possible evidence spirit can pull through. The odd time I come across a person who simply wants to talk about their loved one nonstop, so it makes it harder for me to share their love and prove they are here. In essence, it becomes therapy and I always believe spirit knows best. However, my advice is to leave the talking to the end, or simply if you have an urge to validate something about one of the messages shared with your medium, gently interrupt them, let them know that's a real key piece of evidence, and briefly share why. Bear in mind your medium is still working on holding that precious link with your loved one and prolonged talking can weaken the link or power.  

Be Honest....if the messages really are not making sense to you in the first 10-15 minutes of your session tell your Medium. Don't just nod in agreement. I as a Medium always check in with my sitters, to ensure we are on the right track. No point wasting precious time. There may be another reason why your there. Don't feel you have done anything wrong. It may simply mean you need to reschedule and ethical readers without egos will happily suggest you try another medium if needs be.  

Take The Best Bits....its an amazing amount of energy, spirit and your medium needs to combine to make this happen for you. Ensure you take the best bits of your sitting and take time to write them down safely for future reference. Also, take a moment to thank your medium and of course for your loved ones' precious gift of their love and time. Anything that made no sense, which can happen is not worth dwelling too much on. If they are meant to make sense your loved one and spirit will make it known at some point. Don't waste time worrying. 

Respect Your Mediums Decision...every now and again a medium will simply not get a connection or they may feel it's not the right time or circumstances. Remember your medium has no control over the spirit world and when they are told no not today, they are duty-bound to respect that message. Don't make it hard for them by insisting they must perform or do this at your will. Every decent medium won't like having to say no, but out of respect for you and the spirit world they serve, they are obliged to follow the guidance given. It's not often it happens but should it happen to you, don't take it personally, hopefully, your medium might be able to guide you as to when might be the right circumstances. Let it go and move on with love in your heart. Your loved one is never far away.