Physical Signs Your In The Presence Of Angels


Feathers appear when Angels are near.

Your Angels are communicating with you every day of your life. But you may not always be aware of it or understand their divine messages. As they exist on a completely different vibrational frequency to us, we may not always hear what they are trying to say, so they create other ways for them to relay their messages. These come in the form of signs to help get our attention.  

Sometimes the signs come with a deeper message and as you notice the sign you may get a feeling of now I get it, or a light bulb moment occurs, where you deeply know what and why the Angels are trying to tell you. Sometimes the signs come in patterns, usually in sequences of threes, especially if it's a big message and they really need to get your attention.  

The more you notice the signs, the more they begin to occur. Especially when you thank your Angels regularly for assisting you. Their loving messages through signs can really help you stay aligned with your soul's path and avoid the pitfalls of life. 

The Most Common Signs Are 


Feathers often show up to remind you your not alone or in response to something you asked. They may also show up when a loved one who has gone to Spirit is nearby. They can arrive in a variety of colors, with white being one of the most common feathers to receive. Usually, it's in an unusual place, for example, if you find one on the pillow of your bed and you don't have feather pillows. Or in your car and you know there is no way it could have got there. White feathers are often a reassurance that all is going to be ok and leave its receiver feeling loved and even emotionally moved. 

Lights That Flicker 

When the Angels are nearby they sometimes can flicker the lights to grab your attention. Sometimes it's to let you know what you're doing or what your talking about has their approval. There usually is no obvious reason why the lights are flickering. This can be used to ask questions of the Angels and they may respond by flickering the lights for a yes and keeping them still for a no. 

Through Smell 

When the Angels are near they often bring beautiful scents with them, such as the smell of flowers, especially jasmine, lavender, and roses. The smell will arise and you simply cannot source the reason why for it or the source of it. The smells are often heightened and fill you with a sense of comfort and peace. Sometimes you may even smell your loved ones in Spirits' favorite perfume or aftershave when they are close by.  

Heavenly Music 

When I was a child I used to hear sounds within my ears, like heavenly instruments playing and voices singing. It was always very magical and often occurred within the church we attended or afterward. It was a very special experience for me. Now they communicate through songs I hear on the radio or when I walk into restaurants and other public places. Usually, before I share a public demonstration of mediumship, they will lead me to songs that are connected to loved ones and these songs can become fun or meaningful part of the messages I share.  

Seeing Orbs 

Orbs are balls of light manifested by the Angels to help you know they are present. They can occur within the mind's eye when your drifting of to sleep or in meditation. Some people see them in mid-air around them and some people have been blessed to take pictures of them. Orbs may show up to warn us of danger or simply it's your Angels popping in to say hello. They can come in different colors. I usually associate blue orbs with Archangel Michael and green orbs with Archangel Raphael. It's good to authenticate orbs in images as not all light anomalies are related to Angels or the Spirit World. 

There are many other ways the Angels give us signs, like through repetitive number sequences, rainbows, robins, butterflies, through touch, and through dreams. Whatever way they are showing up for you, know they come with the best of intentions for you. 

If you would like to learn more about Angels and discover how you can begin to deepen your relationship with them, join me in my online classes, where together we will power up your life in the presence of Angels.  



Dawn Darling  

CEO of Where Angels Whisper  

All Rights Reserved December 2020