Learning to Listen

Learning to listen is important for receiving intuitive guidance and to living a way that keeps you open to learning new information and gaining new intelligence. Listening will also help you increase your awareness and understanding of the world, so you find a place that is right for you. 

In most conversations, nobody is truly listening; usually, people are only listening so they can think about what they can say next. We have a need to be listened to and actively seek ways so that this can happen. The majority of what we hear or say is from our own bias of what we already believe is true based on how we view the world. Our view of the world develops from the conditioning we received in our childhood. Being able to listen to others opens a deep listening within ourselves. 

Listening to your Oldest Friend. 

To know how to truly listen you must know how to embrace the silence and listen to what is being ‘said’ in those silences. Knowing how to do so allows you to hear messages from your inner guide. For some, these messages can come through in an inner voice, smells, synchronicities, or even other people. For most people, they come in combinations. In order for these listening channels to open fully you need to push past any resistance you have to them, it’s this initial resistance that is the most significant obstacle to your intuition. Your intuition is like a loyal and loving friend that wants to support you. It will keep finding ways for you to hear what it has to say until it realizes you are not interested. However, just like the oldest of soul friends all you need to do to reconnect is to pick up the phone. Your intuition truly loves you and won't hold a grudge or punish you but simply start talking to you again. 

The Clairs. 

There are different ways to receive information, these ways are called ‘The Clairs’. All sorts of information are being broadcasted constantly on different frequencies like radio waves. It is up to you to find out what radio channel you have a reception for. 

Claircognizance is clear knowing, it is your sixth sense. People who are claircognizant tend to know things before they happen or know about people they have not actually met. This is the most advanced Clair as it requires a lot of trust to be able to communicate what you know when it is only a sense you have. 

Clairsentience and Clairempathy are clear feelings, people with these gifts can sense how someone is feeling emotionally and physically. They can also feel the energy in a room or a story. Clairsentient and Clairempathetic people might get chills or even a gut feeling that guides you towards knowing something. Clairsentience is a clear and physical feeling while Clair empathy is clear and emotional. People who tend to be sensitive or empathetic tend to be one of these Clairs. 

Clairvoyance is clear seeing, Clairvoyant people tend to see images flashing in their mind eye, some people close their eyes to see it more clearly while others can see these images with their eyes open. The images can be strong but are usually light perceptual images. For some, this can also mean they can see different patterns of energy around people that they meet or even spirits. 

Experience Deep Listening. 

There is so much important and valuable information that you can really tune into when you are really paying attention.

What do you notice in your own experiences that you have listened deeply within?

Let your senses become truly open and let your whole life come alive with the help of these beautiful messages.