How To Handles Life's Challenges Spiritually

"One doesn't solve problems; one outgrows them" Carl Jung

As humans, we often when presented with a problem, overreact.  This comes from a place of conditioning within us and it can also come from a place of lack of self-worth. A part of us simply does not believe we have the know-how,  to handle a problem. Or simply we have never been taught. Carl Jung was an avid mystical researcher and he was so spot on with his thoughts on how to view problems. By the way, I don't particularly like the word problem and prefer to use the term challenge. So let's switch it up now. I believe that problem sounds like something we are still stuck in and our self-talk is critical to creating change.

Often when we focus on the solving of the problem, we forget to take a moment to actually focus on what the challenge is teaching us. This focus on a solution or trying to find a solution can keep the challenge in place longer. Jung's statement reminds us to shift the focus from solving to growing. This is where the true essence of discovery lies and where we gain more profound ways to learn about ourselves.  with,  whereas the challenge is more motivating a word and implies it's something with the right mindset, we can overcome.  

10 Ways To Spiritually Grow Through Your Challenge 

Don't Over React ~ Your human and you most likely will have an emotional reaction but please don't overreact. Begin by finding a space of quietness either physically or in your mind. You may need to remove yourself for a moment to compose yourself. That's ok, do what ya gotta do. Treat your mind with love and care and remind yourself you can handle this. Align to your higher power and ask it to filter through everything you need to calmly and graciously deal with your challenge.   

Don't Blame Others Or Yourself ~ Stay focused and connected to your higher power and ask what actions you can best take that will help you learn and grow from this experience.  

Is There A Karmic Lesson To Be Learned ~ Meditate and ask your higher power to show you any memories/experiences in this life or a previous life that has created this current situation, if so what similarities are there, and again what lesson is it teaching you? 

Use A Powerful Statement ~ Treat your mind with TLC and shift through any barriers with a powerful statement such as "The light and power within me is greater than this challenge." Repeat it over and over till you really feel it within your soul. 

Raise Your Energy ~ Connect to your higher power and ask your awareness to rise above the energy level of this challenge. From up there everything I assure you will seem less dramatic and far simpler.  

Bless Those Involved ~ Sometimes challenges involve other people, we can't always avoid it, but rather than curse them and send negative energy into the situation, try blessing them instead. Don't seek revenge, don't send bolts of hostile anger, as this sets up new karmic debts to clear in the future. Be positive, thank them for teaching you and keep the energy lines clear for you all to move forward peacefully. Step out of the drama.  

Affirm Your Truth ~ Sometimes challenges occur due to the lack of something, remind yourself that what you appear to lack is already yours. Harness your divine truth through the law of attraction and see what you lack firmly in your life. 

What Would Your Angels Do ~ Aligning once again to your higher power ask your angels directly what would they do in this situation and don't forget to thank them for their love and insight. 

Read The Signal Right ~ choose not to see the challenge as something gone wrong in your life, change your perspective to seeing it as an opportunity to learn and grow from.  

Are You Really Gonna Quit ~ avoid been a defeatist. When you act defeated and feel like quitting your not honoring your own divine essence and brilliance. Within you, is all the answers, to every possible challenge. Be patient with yourself, be patient with life, and be patient with the outcome. Stay in faith and know all is well. Your vibration of wellness will create a situation of wellness. 



Dawn Darling  

CEO of Where Angels Whisper  

All Rights Reserved November 2020