Sunday 24th of July

This week we embrace the loving energies of Archangel Raguel. Relationships that may have been running stale or strained are now finding harmony and peace. Where arguments have been creating tension, they are being helped by this beautiful healing angel. 

Forcing things, can cause you to feel as if nothing ever seems to go your way. Allow yourself to be directed by life, through the signs of love and assurance that are showing up for you. Its time to let go and let your angels and your higher self steer this journey your on. It's time to let things evolve naturally. 

Before committing to someone or something right now, your guided to do your homework and be sure that you can rely on what your putting your energy into. Talking things through can help you gain a better perspective and also help you see things from all sides. Diplomacy maybe needed this week and your guided to be wise in your decisions, especially around finances. 

First impressions count, so be prepared to jazz you up, or a project your working on. Do one thing to put your talents on display or draw attention to your gifts. 

Do something this week that's helps you feel spiritually aligned.

We would love to see you in our new revamped Cloud Nine Community.

In Light & Love     


Owner & Founder of

Where Angels Whisper


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