Sunday 10th of April

The Angel that comes forward to guide you this week is Archangel Jeremiel. He brings the awareness with him that the worst is now behind you and you are over coming any previous challenges you have been experiencing.

The Angels love to help and support you as you move through human experiences. They have been standing close to you through recent events in your life, whispering strength and love to you. Your worthy of their love and time. You have been facing your shadow self and this can mean, digging deep into your soul to find your true expression.

This week, your reminded you are always free to choose. The universe responds to your personal choices. Insecurities are sometimes what prevents us making choices. This week Jeremiel helps you understand your fears and navigates the best root for you, with you.

Its important this week to pay attention to you emotional triggers. While your shifting through this phase, remember manifesting occurs when we align to a deep truth within our being. This week sees you putting your mind to what matters and focusing solely on creating positive experiences now. Socially you may find yourself, ready to meet new people or reconnect with old friends. Your time to step out into the world has arrived and you could be on the cusp of a brand new beginning. 

We all have to start somewhere, leave the past where it needs to be and move forward with confidence.

Go easy on yourself.


In Light & Love 


(Elwin, Florence and the Malakim's)

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