Sunday 05th of June

The Angel that is guiding you this week is the Archangel Jophiel. This week you could find life, tidying it's self up in a variety of areas for you. Stagnant energies, now begin to leave your life and you experience the lighter tones in your daily living. Instead of perhaps wishing your life away, now you are beginning to experience joy, contentment and happiness within your spirit.

The heavens are blessing you with gifts now and know you truly do deserve it. You have put in the effort and your hard work is about to be paid of. Your silver lining has arrived. Remember your feelings matter, keep expressing them, if even only to your Angels, they are better shared. As your dreams and wishes come to pass, remember to keep calm and carry on. You have truly earned this goodness now. 

Your ambitions and ego are been called on to come out of hiding and express their true voice. Fear should not be allowed to be an obstacle in anything you wish to experience now. Its time to step out from the shadows and stand tall and proud. Words are only words until put them into action. If you want something, work for it. If you love someone tell them. The risks may seem high, but the truth is the only way you will know, if something or someone is truly right and ready for you.

There are times in life when staying silent only causes deep suffering within your spirit. 

If you want something, stand for it! 

If something hurts, share it! 

Your Angels know what's right for you. 

They won't fail you. 

Be free to be all of you, amongst those that understand.


In Light & Love  


(Elwin, Florence and the Malakim's)

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